Stay Close to the Vine

By Josie Garcia I just wanted to share an encouraging thought from my devotional time this morning… At one of the sessions from our last women of legacy gathering Monique and I shared a message about drawing close to the vine, the vine being God and its branches and fruit

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By Omar Rojas When I attended Vanguard University in my pursuit of studying the Scriptures, I had a professor talk about the sleepwalker. This is the kind of person that gets caught up in the routine of doing, of attending church, serving, while neglecting to simply be with God. He

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Graciously Broken

By Sara Rojas Have you ever experienced moments in life where many difficulties are thrown your way . . . one after another . . . after another? And you ask yourself, with a smirk on your face, okay now what?! Well, this week was just that. My nephew’s health

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Mar·riage: merij (Noun)

By Monique Gutierrez It’s no secret I enjoy planning a good event; especially a beautiful, dreamy wedding! But what I enjoy even more than that, is marriage. See, once the hustle and bustle of a wedding is all over, the dance floor is empty, the chair and linens are put

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By Victor Sanchez Warworn: adjective – Showing the effects of war or military service She looks around in confusion. Sitting up she has the look of anticipation and fear. “What are they going to do to me?” Covers her face as she waits. The seconds pass like hours. A warm

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A Man of Emotions

By Omar Rojas As a man, cultivating your emotional life in your relationship with God and others is important. Think of David the shepherd boy. Well, that is what he was at one point. But we see him develop into this giant-slaying warrior. Out of all the people in Israel,

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Blue Bin Wednesday

By Victor Sanchez Wednesday night I’m awakened to sound of the dogs in the neighborhood barking out of control. I run to my gun locker fumbling for the keys; I grab a shotgun. I peek through the upstairs curtain to see what’s going on. I see movement coming from the

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Reclaimed Man

By Victor Sanchez Anyone that knows me knows that I like old stuff. The rustier the better. Whenever I see a piece of old weathered lumber I can’t help but stop by and see if I could use it for something. Come trash day, on my ride to work, I

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Carry On

By Melissa Brito Why me? Why is God allowing this to happen to ME. Why isn’t God stepping in and stopping this from happening? Why is He allowing MY life to fall apart? Doesn’t He know that I will NOT be the same after this? Do any of these questions

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The Promising Sacrifice

By Omar Rojas In the narrative leading up to the crucifixion we find that Israel was so far from God that the highest representative of the people, that is, the high priest, totally missed the mark on seeing the Messiah. You have to understand that at this point in time

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