You only Get One Body

By Pastor John Brito

You only get one body. You can?t change it for a new one like you would a car when it starts falling apart. Treat it well and it will go the distance with you.

Consider the spiritual principle of sowing and reaping as it applies to our body. Galatians 6:7 says, ?Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.? (ESV) If we sow (plant) healthy habits, e.g. eating right, getting plenty of exercise and maintaining a proper weight we will reap (harvest) healthier bodies in the years to come. If we don?t, we increase the likelihood of getting diseases associated with obesity and sedentary lifestyles.

But, as you probably already know, getting healthier and fitter isn?t easy. It takes commitment and effort. Jacklyn Saucedo, our worship leader, says this: ?Your body can?t go where you mind hasn?t gone.? We have to make the decision to get fitter and healthier if we expect our bodies to change. So where do we get the motivation to make this decision?

Love should be our motivation for becoming healthier and fitter: Our love for God, for ourselves and for those we love. Jesus said in Matthew 22:37-39, ?You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.? 38?This is the first and greatest commandment.39?A second is equally important: ?Love your neighbor as yourself.?? (NLT)

Here?s how it works. When we care for our body we demonstrate our love for God because as our creator he places a high value on our body. Psalm 139:14 says, ?I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.? (ESV) And 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, ?You do not belong to yourself,20?for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.? (NLT)

When we place a high value on our health and wellbeing we demonstrate that we love ourselves. This ability to love ourselves actually comes from God. This is why the Bible assumes that we love our body. Ephesians 5:29 says, ?No one hates his own body but feeds and cares for it, just as Christ cares for the church.? Getting healthier and fitter demonstrates that God-given self-love to a greater degree.

And we demonstrate our love for our family by becoming healthier and fitter because in doing so we offer them the healthiest version of ourselves. Our loved ones want us present at special moments like graduations and weddings and to witness the birth of our grandchildren. We need to be healthy if we plan to be around to guide and encourage them and to enjoy those special moments together as a family. This is why love should be our motivation for getting healthier and fitter: Our love for God, for ourselves and for our loved ones.

We have started a Health and Fitness Challenge at Spirit Life because, starting with the pastor, a lot of us need to lose some weight and become healthier and fitter. I invite you to take the Health and Fitness Challenge with us. Let?s do this together.

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