Road to the Cross

Road to the Cross Pt 1: Beginning of the End
In our new series we will follow Jesus throughout his last week on earth. You’ll discover that he did it all for you.
Pastor John Brito
March 3, 2019

Road to the Cross Pt 2: Alert and Ready
Jesus knew that the road to the cross would mark the beginning of the end, so he gave us instructions for what to do as we await his return. The content of his instructions is what we are focusing on in this message.
Pastor John Brito
March 10, 2019

Road to Cross Pt 3: Fully Surrendered
As we begin the 4th day of Jesus’ road to the cross, we encounter 3 characters that interacted with Jesus. All three experience moments of discomfort and even shame in their own unique way. All three have different outcomes that are life-life-changing to us. One shows his wicked ways, another
Jahzell Rodriguez
March 17, 2019