The Letter of James

The Letter of James Pt 1: Tests
The hardest tests with the greatest consequences aren’t given in a classroom, you face them in life. They don’t test your knowledge, they test your character. It’s hard to prepare for them because you rarely see them coming, but once the test is done you end up either losing or

The Letter of James Pt 2: Temptation
When life throws a test at us, we can either endure it, and add perseverance to our faith, or we can fail it and blame God and others for our failure, and in the process cave in to temptation and go back to living a sinful lifestyle. But choosing the

The Letter of James Pt 3: Faith in Action
You probably dislike being negatively judged for your appearance. That condescending look, that dismissive attitude or that subtle slight are ways this type of judgment is expressed. Maybe it’s your skin color, or accent, or the way you dress or your hairstyle or the type of car you drive that

The Letter of James Pt 4: Controlling Our Words
Do you remember a time in your life when you put your foot in your mouth and you regretted it? We all have at one time or another. Many times the negative consequences are great and can change the course of our lives. Mastering what we say is difficult it