Serve Series

Serve Part 1: Why Serve?
Most people want to make a difference in the lives of others. If they had the opportunity to serve and knew how to do it, they would. Throughout this series we are going to mobilize our church to serve the community, giving everyone opportunities and basic instruction on how to

Serve Pt 2: How God Serves
God is on a mission to reach and save lives; and he uses common people who serve others to show his power.

Serve Pt 3: Equipped to Serve
We were designed to be used be used by the Holy Spirit for his pleasure and for the edification of others.

Serve Pt 4: A Serving Church
As faith without action is dead, likewise religion without action is dead. Today we will explore James 1:27 and learn that merely saying the right things is not enough to render someone truly religious; there is a call to action.

Serve Pt 5: Serving Like Jesus
Throughout the gospels we see Jesus serving people. There are countless stories of how while Jesus was here on earth he served. He was the son of God and could have easily and rightfully come with a “serve me mentality”, but he did not. In this message we are going