A Serving Church

By Jahzell Rodriguez

JAMES 1:26-27 ESV
If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless.  Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

In its simplest form religion is Faith that is put into action.
Did you know most of the new testament speaks of religiosity in a negative aspect? One of the main reasons for this was that those that proclaimed to be religious, loved to show off a false religiosity. With all their pomp and glamour, they considered themselves to be too holy for the people that surrounded them. Yet they were rotten within, so much so that Jesus would confront them constantly calling them Hypocrites. Yet James, the half-brother of Jesus and the pastor of the church of Jerusalem writes to the church about the expression of Religion with our Christian faith

Who are these widows and orphans?
Society during biblical times was patriarchal – men were the ones that would be the breadwinner. If a man died and left his wife and children in in-debt, they often were left distraught at the mercy of the lender. They were the least, the lowest, the poorest of the poor. Society disregarded these people because they simply were not worth their time!

Your walk with God is useless if it does not translate into the way you live and the way you treat others. In God’s eyes, a pure religion is expressed in taking care of those in need, just as much as guarding your heart.

God wants you to be a champion for His social justice, be His hands and feet. He challenges the believer…. You have faith? Show me! Love on the least, the needy, the poor.

True religion does not merely give something for help of the needy, but it visits them, it takes watch over them, and cares for them. It goes to their houses and speaks to their hearts; it relieves their wants, and sympathizes with them in their distress. And lastly it instructs them the word of God. Leading them to Christ.

How can you put your faith into action today?

What would happen in your community if you began to notice the marginalized and the forsaken? What would happen if God stirred you heart to help and be the difference maker? The Scriptures challenges us today to love on those around you. Love them with your actions, love them with your time. Let them see Jesus through your actions today.

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